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Episode #2: Capsule Wardrobes (and why we don’t do them anymore)

In this episode we share what inspired us to start a capsule wardrobe, our downsizing tips, what we liked and disliked about the capsule process and why we don’t do capsule wardrobes the traditional way anymore.

Interested in starting a capsule wardrobe? Take Kitty’s capsule wardrobe course to learn how and use her downloads to keep it on track. 

Show notes:

Kimberly mentions this coat she’s been thinking about buying for weeks. 

Kitty’s pinterest boards.

Kitty’s instagram reel of thrifted skirts and home stuff

True Cost of Fashion documentary.


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The Comments

  • Chelsea
    May 24, 2021

    Loving your podcast, Kitty + Kimberly! Can’t believe how similar your voices sound! You asked for listeners to submit podcast ideas, so here are some of mine:

    * Health/beauty products that are worth the splurge (I know you’re doing a baby products podcast like this!)
    * Fashion trends you tried and loved and/or did NOT work for you
    * Discerning your personal style (both clothing and home) and how you avoid being too “of the moment/trendy” vs what speaks to you
    * Related to personal style, how you figured out which silhouettes work best for your body
    * Top 5 favorite thrifted finds (either home or wardrobe, or both!)
    * Enneagram/Personality types
    * Typical “Day in the life” or “Week in the life” for you two; which routines/structures help provide well-being for you and your family?

    Thanks! Can’t wait to keep on listening!

  • Annie
    May 26, 2021

    Loved this episode!! I have so many pieces that I love but don’t go together, so they just sit in my closet untouched. Really love the idea of keeping an ongoing list of holes to fill.

  • Samantha Shank
    June 23, 2021

    You guys would love the app Stylebook! You can keep track of what you wear and plan outfits.