Current topself acessories |

Current Topshelf Accessories

Nearly every time I go into Sephora for the past few months I ask for sample of the Elizabeth and James Black Nirvana perfume because I’m a cheapskate and hate to spend money on perfumes, yet I can drop 35 bucks on a YSL lipstick because it’s the ‘perfect shade I can’t live without.’ Two days ago I finally bought the damn thing, but I still didn’t commit to the big…

Outfit of the day

Winter Uniform

I can’t believe it’s been over a month since I shared in this space. A month! So, here’s a little life update with me over the past month – the duplex we live in is sold and we’ll probably have to move shortly, but we’re trying to buy a house so the timing sucks, and we are half-assing wedding planning (which really just means we’re preoccupied with house hunting). The combination of…

New Years Eve last minute outfit ideas

4 Last Minute NYE Outfits

I hope you all have a happy and safe New Years Eve celebration! Here’s a few last minute outfit ideas to pair with those makeup looks tonight as you ring in the new year! See you 2015 with new goals, new projects, more beauty and more travels! I have a feeling 2015 is going to a big year filled with new adventures as Joel and I try to plan a wedding…