We bought a house | Minneapolis fixer upper

Fixing Up The Place

We’ve been living in our new place for about a month now. Unfinished projects are everywhere… paint and hang doors, dining room shiplap walls, porch ceiling, but this unfinished mess is all ours! I thought it would be kind of neat to chronicle our fixer upper so here’s just the first video in what might be an endless playlist of YouTube videos for your enjoyment. That is if you like this kind of thing….

Before House Tour | Minneapolis

Our First Home: Before Tour

We bought a house! After what seemed like a million showings and open houses we found the perfect house for us. It’s a one story 3 bedroom, 1 bath rambler, with a basement ‘full of potential’ in South Minneapolis. It’s biggest drawback at the moment is it’s down right UGLY. Literally all but one room is covered in 90s wallpaper. I think I counted a total of 13 different wallpaper patterns!…

a and be bridal Minneapolis | Kitty Cotten

Wedding planning has begun…Let’s catchup

It’s been an embarrassing long time since I last posted here. So, it’s about time we catch up! Exciting stuff has happened in the past two months along with plenty of stressful hurdles to to navigate. As many of you know Joel and I got engaged, but that was back in August 2014 and not much has happened on the wedding planning front. Well, actually I didn kinda sorta try…

Spring Break Lookbook | KittyCotten.com

Spring Break Lookbook Video

I have to admit I’ve been mentally packing for our trip to the Dominican Republic for about the past month, because I’m a crazy over planner and serial organizer. I mean, I live by my packing cubes. I’m such a dork. Anyways, I decided to put my type-A personality to good use and make a fun, short spring break lookbook video pairing 9 outfits as inspiration for your next adventure in warm weather!