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Damn You Weatherman

The weatherman is spreading a rumor that today, we could get 8 inches of snow! Not cool. Not cool at all. To make today a little less painful I present you with Christina from Fash n Chips, who is a master of dressing with the perfect amount of cool while staying cozy. I love her twist on classic menswear. I’m especially diggin those metallic blue heels and plaid crop pant combo.


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The Comments

  • Katie
    April 10, 2013

    I love how her messy hair looks so chic. I’m pretty sure mine would just look messy. I’m in Saint Paul and this snow just feels so worthless. It’s not enough to play in or admire, it’s just prolonging winter. Ugh.

  • blue roses
    April 10, 2013

    yikes! do not want to rub it in, but i actually drove to work, windows down, radio blaring (old school AM/FM, what up 1999). stay strong!