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It’s almost a new year

2013 goals

Right now I’m flying somewhere over Tennessee or maybe Iowa watching the sunset on the last day of 2012. Now that I’ve survived the first two hours of rocky turbulence I can think about a few hopes and goals for 2013 before we land…

1. Travel more! Since I learned there were places other than my house, I’ve wanted to travel the world to learn about history and see all the beautiful landmarks I discovered in school. At the end of 4th grade I asked my teacher if I could borrow the history and geography book for the summer. Geek alert! I’ve always been in love with traveling the world. I’ve got a jump start already! My best friend and I are already planning our trip Africa this fall and can’t wait, but I’m a little nervous for the 21 hour flight.

2. Print out more pictures to hang on my walls and fill up photo albums. Maybe it’s facebook’s fault or instagram’s or laziness, but I rarely ever print off photos anymore. Instead they live here on my blog or nestled in albums online somewhere. I want to fill photo albums like I did in high school and hang up my favorite photos from our travels throughout our little apartment. It’s a great way to spark a happy feeling.

3. Find my signature hair. This past year I feel I’ve found my signature makeup look from the everyday to glammed up, but I’m still not satisfied with my haircut or maybe it’s how I style it. It needs a change, a freshening up, or something. Either way I’m determined to figure it out this year.

4. Send more cards in the mail. At the tail-end of 2012 I started trying to remember my close friends and families birthdays and made the effort to pick out a card, write a little note and drop it in the mail. The few I sent a card to really loved it and truly enjoyed the process. It kind of made me feel more grown up in a good way.

5. Take better care of my skin. I’ve always had problematic skin, especially as a teenager. It sucked. And I got into bad habits of picking at it and over analyzing the imperfections in my skin. I’d like to find the right anti-aging products for my skin and learn to balance it all out nicely. Any suggests of products is very much welcome! Sephora can be real overwhelming place at times.

6. This one is going to make me sound like an alcoholic, but I want more of those nights out where I don’t wake up feeling like I got ran over my heard of donkeys and cobwebs have replaced my brain. Most of my close friends I met in college and it seems we haven’t let go of our festive college partying. Our nights out go from zero to 100 at a moments notice, but they always prove to be a ton of fun, even if we all wake up like the walking dead. I’m determined to find that sweet spot in the night to avoid the dreaded hangover.

7. Keep our small apartment very organized. This one is lame, but its one of those things that brings me a lot of joy when its done right.

8. Learn more vegetarian meals to cook at home. I think it was about last September or so that I just decided one day I wasn’t going to eat most meats anymore, like beef, chicken, turkey and pork. I googled it and it’s technically called pescetarianism, because I still each seafood and fish. It was one of the best things I did for my body last year along with becoming a dedicated yogi. My body feels great and I don’t miss the meat.

9. A blogwise goal is to create columns for this blog of things I enjoy like style, interiors, cooking, baking, drinking, etc. and find a schedule for them here. It will keep me focused and I feel like it will help me grow as a person and keep my imagination alive. Sometimes personal blogging can feel a little superficial and self absorbed, which isn’t what I want. I want to share new ideas, try new things and inspire others to as well.

10. Journal frequently. I don’t want to commit to journaling daily or scheduled, but I would love to gain the habit of jotting down what is happening in my life from little things to the big stuff whether it’s happy, sad, exciting or average. I just want to write it down.

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