I hope you all are enjoy the holidays! Tonight I’m going to be busy stocking up on yummy food, organizing and created lots of list, wrapping my last few presents and tucking them under the tree, and cleaning our little apartment before all the festivities start! I’ll try and take some snapshots of my Christmas events and share them with you here and here :)
Wearing: sweater, Forever 21; blouse, (similar style); jeans, (similar style); belt, vintage; necklaces, vintage (similar style); bracelets, H&M, Forever 21, Target; heels, ALDO (similar style)
The Comments
i love these soft colors! it suits yours skin tone and everything looks comfy, which is always a plus.
fashion kats
Love your top and cardigan! Great pastel colors.
Merry Christmas :)
I am loving this outfit. I just found your blog and I am emjoying the posts on St. Paul. I have a love affair with all of St. Paul. Can’t wait to read more.