Free class: The magic of moodboards – Grab my seat now


workoutgoalI’ve finally done it! I got up early this morning, grabbed my workout bag and headed to the gym! Becoming a morning workout person has been a goal of mine since, um, forever. I know it’s only day one, but I’m determined to keep with it! Plus, it will give me loads of time after work to take photos for my blog! I know, I’m excited about that one too :) Well, I have about 3 minutes to get dressed and out the door for work — bye!

p.s. If you’re a morning person, please share your secret! I’m going to need all the motivation I can get, because the snooze button is always just too appealing to me around 6 a.m.

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The Comments

  • blue roses
    August 4, 2011

    the first few weeks will be rough, but if you can endure those, the morning work out will energize you and allow you to feel invigorated throughout the day! unfortunately, i stopped after university, but i would love to begin again.

  • Dirty Hair Halo
    August 4, 2011

    set your coffee maker to start brewing at 5:55, you’ll smell and hear it when your alarm goes off at 6.

    so Summertime is making the weekends packed for me- I’m sure for you as well. We gotta take pictures soon and catch up with a drink.
