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fashion blog
fashion blog
fashion blogfashion blog

fashion blog
My outfits tend to lean towards the neutral side of the color spectrum, yet my texture choices scatter across the board. I love anything quilted, from Chanel to Alexander Wang, or soft suede. I must admit i have a mini section of my closet devoted to polka dots. That gets me thinking…i just might have to do a little video entitle ‘my closet.’ What do you think?

These photos were taken by the amazing Wynona Robinson of Minneapolis Affair and were featured in the pages of recently.

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The Comments

  • Inès.B
    March 22, 2011

    Je viens juste de découvrir ton blog, et je repasserai ;).

    Les photos sont magnifiques, et la tenue de même !

    Bisous, bisous,

  • Anonymous
    March 22, 2011

    Please do the video it sounds fascinating!

  • blue roses
    March 22, 2011

    quite a large portion of my closet should be named “nocturne in stripes”…

  • Lee
    March 22, 2011

    I would love to see your closet and how you put outfits together

  • devynmarie
    March 23, 2011

    cute blog! the background pics make me miss minnesota! i am from a small town but spent alot of time in the cities and now live in new york city…cool to see someone up there competing with the bloggers from bigger cities like NYC. Go minnesota!


  • Fashionista on Tour
    March 23, 2011

    The quality of these pictures is impeccable.
    I am very impressed with your blog. you have instantly gained a new follower.

    The polka dot blouse is precious (Iwould know since I have it but with the opposite colour code)

    I will swing by again very soon to see what else you come up with. Meanwhile if you fancy having a we wonder down the streets of my blog here is the url


  • Cara
    March 23, 2011

    Love everything about this! The polka dot top and the bag, and ohhh those shoes! You look gorgeous
    xo Cara

  • thebeatniq
    March 24, 2011

    I love the color and the texture of the coat

  • 6roove
    March 24, 2011

    lovely outfit ;)

  • Tieka, Selective Potential
    March 30, 2011

    Oh gosh, you are so pretty and I absolutely adore your outfit! xo