Last weekend i met my mom & little sister for a stroll through como, which amounted to lots of flower photography, lattes & carrot cake. My mom got really excited, then very serious when i asked her to take some photos of me for my blog. She changed from mom mode to artsy photographer wanting to capture a feeling, ha ha. She was really sweet, but kept telling me to look away from the camera, because the photo looked better – thanks mom ☹ ha ha. All said & done she did a really great job! Looking back at the photos i wish i would of worn something a little brighter & lighter to compliment those gorgeous flowers. I’m sure i will be back there soon.
GASP! Love the beautiful flowers and wonderful outfit! :) You’ve got style!
lovely pics!!!!
just found you through dirty halo, great blog! Loved theses pictures!
you killed me with the carrot cake, I miss so much the manchester ones