Free class: The magic of moodboards – Grab my seat now

putain de congélation

Muscles in my body that i truly had no idea existed are still sore from a pre-super bowl boot hockey game. I have humongous bruise on my left knee to prove it. The only organized, team sport i have played was dance in high school and college, so it seriously surprised even myself when i scored two goals.
I say this every year, but i truly hate minnesota winters. Subzero temps are forecasted pretty much this whole week. So, dear Sun Country Airlines, could you pretty please lower your rates so i can go somewhere above freezing? Thank you, Kitty. (I promise to stop complaining about the weather soon…until then if you didn’t already know it’s effing freezing here!)
wearing: urban outfitters thermal, vintage levi’s, vintage messenger bag, jeffrey campbell litas

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The Comments

  • Pulchellus Vintage Venustas
    February 9, 2011

    I truly understand about your hatred of cold weather. I’m in Sunny old England and people are telling me it’s warm!, it’s 50F! Normally we have the minus weather and snow this time of year so in that respect, it is warmer than normal, but still, Some sun wouldn’t go amiss.


  • Chapstick Fanatic
    February 9, 2011

    love this outfit!

    it is freezing here too! ugh. i hope the sun warms everything up soon.

    stop by and enter the boots skincare giveaway:

  • marionachic
    February 14, 2011

    fantastic blog:)follow you,follow me??????