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7 Questions Series: Capsule Wardrobes

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This is my “7 Questions” series where once a month I’ll ask you guys on my Instagram for your questions about a specific topic. I’ll pick 7 questions to answer in a video. This month its all about capsule wardrobes!

Here are the 7 questions:

1. What do I do if I hardly own clothes & can’t build from what I already have & don’t have a budget for buying lots of new stuff? I watch a lot of these videos, but everyone seems to have so much clothes when they start?!
2. Why did you start a capsule wardrobe?
3. Do you have a spending budget? When do you buy clothes for the capsule? Seasonally or sporadically?
4. Do you ever get sick of wearing the same thing over & over?
5. What is your process like when you’re transitioning between season (i.e. winter to spring) do you already have your spring capsule & then slowly put away winter wear that warmer it gets?
6. What do you do with the pieces not in the current capsule? Hold on to them until next season? What if I want to wear something I have that’s not included in the “current” capsule?
7. How would you go about making a season-less capsule wardrobe a.k.a. a year round wardrobe?



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