There is color blocking madness going on this Fall and I love it! So yesterday, June and I filmed my very first fashion video for my new style channel all about — you guessed it — color blocking! I might be going over board with the enthusiasm today, but when you have neon yellow, orange and green staring back at you it’s hard to keep neutral — haha, get it?! That was…


This outfit was from a very windy last Saturday after Joel and I stuffed ourselves tatter tots and sandwiches at the Bulldog just few blocks from our apartment. I love the weekends, but am horrible with my time management. I have all these cute, little to-do lists filled with crafty projects, organizing, painting and settling into our home, but somehow get distracted by the sunlight, Halloween brainstorming, coffee houses, my…


So, as the title might suggest — this is my go-to winter ensemble. Primarily because of its comfort, warmth, and snowability, which isn’t a word to most humans, but those posted-up in the Midwest, specially Minnesnowta, understand the word. For all you lucky ones who’s parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on, chose a snow-free environment to raise their seed, the word simply means — The ability to deter snow, slush,…


Yay! It’s Friday :) I brought June to work today, despite having ample nooks and crannies to explore in a huge warehouse, she just sits on my laptop, or mouse, or top of my chair, or anywhere to prevent me from getting any work finished. This weekend I have not plans and it’s so refreshing. Might finally finish “The Help,” do a little thriftin’ for Halloween, or cuddle up to…


I spent my Sunday afternoon at Ikea with a couple of girlfriends pickings up random “necessities” for my home, which included this adorable polka-dot laptop/breakfast-in-bed tray which I love! Other things I’m loving this season are layering patterns and glitter, glitter, glitter! I’ve been slowly creeping a little sparkle into my wardrobe via this new nail polish. Wearing: necklace, H&M; dress, Forever 21; blouse, vintage; flats, vintage; nail polish, Sephora…


Currently sitting at my kitchen table with empty coffee mug to my right. The caffeine was a must this morning to wipe out all the cobwebs in my brain from last night’s festivities (see a photo of Joel & I from last night on my fb page). This outfit is from yesterday as Joel and I drove all over the city looking for a zombie costume and lots of fake…