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2014 Hopes & Goals - New Years 2014 gold ballons

Last year I wrote down my 2013 goals and it was fun to look back and see what I set for myself and what I actually ended up accomplishing. I’m proud to say I did six out of ten! I traveled to Africa. Printed lots of the photos from the trip to hang on my walls and working on a photo book. Found my signature hair style, bangs! Took waaaay better care of my skin, still some room for improvement there. Kept more organized. Learned more vegetarian meals. For the ones that didn’t happen, it’s okay. I guess I’m just not a pen and paper journaler.

So here’s my 2014 hopes and goals…drum roll, please. Just kidding they aren’t that epic.

1. Wake up early. I’m suuuuper bad at getting up in the morning. I’m just not a morning person, which isn’t going to change, but I want to wake up in time to make myself a good cup of coffee and enjoy it, and maybe even eat a little something at my house? So the goal here is to get up a like a normal person, so I have a little bit of time to wake up and get a morning routine going versus the current made dash through makeup, stopping at a coffee shop, and boom, I’m at work.

2. Break in my new camera! I bought a new camera at the end of last year. A Canon 6D to be exact. This one is warning to all my friends, family and strangers near, my face might resemble a big camera lens for the next year and I might pester you to let me take nice photos of us all. Sorry.

3. Keep the orchid my mom gave me for christmas alive. I’m nervous about this one. Any advice on this one would be swell. Is the ice cube thing right? How many and how often? Maybe I should name it? Crossing my fingers.

4. I’d like to bring back number six from 2013 list. Still working on that…

5. Get lasik! I’ve been wanted lasik for years and years now, but I’m a total ninny. I’ve had so many friends who’ve gotten it done and love it. So 2014, I’m going to buck up and do this thing already!


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The Comments

  • Kelsey Barnes
    January 5, 2014

    I’m with you on #1 – it’s my dream to turn myself into a morning person! One day..



  • Erin/babesinthriftland
    January 8, 2014

    I got LASIK last summer and I’ve loved it! I got it done at Whiting Clinic in St. Louis Park. I really liked it there! I want to get better with my camera too. Maybe we could get a photo safari together with some other bloggers. Might be fun!